Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Hit in Moro Gulf, Mindanao, Philippines

- Time: 2024-07-11 at 02:13:17 UTC
             2024-07-11 at 10:13:17 Manila
- Location: 6.12° LAT, 123.14° LON
- Magnitude: Mw7.1
- Depth: 620 km
- Provider: EMSC, LastQuake

Picture 1: Location of the magnitude 7.1 in Moro Gulf, Mindanao, Philippines.

The earthquake occurred on one of the D-waves we highlighted on July 9, 2024, as shown in the image below and here.

D-waves (D stands for Dangerous) are potentially dangerous tectonic waves due to the elevated seismic activity along these waves, including major seismic event and their contribution to the elevation of tectonic tractions (shear- and dynamic traction) in multiple regions worldwide.

Picture 2: Regions exposed to higher earthquake-triggering based on the D-wave, posted on July 9, 2024.

There have been no reports of damage, injuries, or casualties as a result of the earthquake so far.


* The exact information about the magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the earthquake might be revised within the next few hours as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other data providers issue their reports.

** The information provided is a product of Quantectum's own system, please tag Quantectum when sharing it. For more detailed information, contact us by email.

Earthquake News


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