M7.0 Dodecanese Islands, Greece
Forecasted: 2020-09-30
Earthquake occurrence date: 2020-10-30
Depth of earthquake: 10.00 km
*Model was calculated at the date of forecasting
Figure 2: M7.0 Dodecanese Islands (Greece) earthquake – shear-traction field at the near-, intermediate- and far- field distances from the earthquake.
The M7.0 Dodecanese Islands earthquake happened during the regionally elevated shear-traction field as shown on the Figure 1. Shear-traction was generated by multiple tectonic waves passing through the same region which in turn elevated the probability for earthquake triggering.
On 30th September 2020, we forecasted the elevated percentage for earthquakes in the region of South Alaska for the time period from 28th October 2020 to 3rd November 2020. The strongest one happened on 30th October and was followed by weaker ones in the following days.
Time-dependent evolution of shear-traction field at the near-intermediate and far-field. Few regional earthquakes happened during the first increase of the intermediate-field while the main sequence happened during the increase in near-, intermediate- and far-fields.